
Suburban Families

Meet Nigel, a 44-year-old Marketing Consultant from Harrogate, Yorkshire. Balancing a full-time job, family life, and a commitment to environmental sustainability, Nigel offers a comprehensive view into the suburban family man’s world, emphasizing eco-conscious living and technological engagement.

Inspired by the personas developed by Department for Transport (DfT)

Profile Details

  • Age & Location: 44, Harrogate, Yorkshire
  • Living Arrangement: Lives in a semi-detached house with his husband and young daughter
  • Employment Status: Full-time Marketing Consultant
  • Transportation: Predominantly uses a car for commuting and family travel, interested in transitioning to an electric vehicle
  • Interests: Watching sports, DIY home projects, environmental sustainability


Provide insights into Nigel’s life as a suburban professional navigating the complexities of modern family life with a strong emphasis on sustainability and technology. This profile aims to illustrate how individuals like Nigel search for, purchase, and utilize products and services, balancing environmental concerns with practical family needs.

Key Concerns

  • Environmental Responsibility: Seeks to integrate eco-friendly products and practices into daily life, despite financial and practical challenges.
  • Family Priorities: Focuses on providing a healthy, engaging, and safe environment for his family, influencing purchasing decisions and daily activities.
  • Technological Adoption: Utilizes modern technology to enhance shopping efficiency and manage household and professional tasks.
  • Financial Prudence: Highly aware of economic changes affecting personal finance, actively seeking cost-effective solutions.

Role in Interactions

  • Practical Application of Environmental Ethics: Discusses how environmental considerations shape his choices in transportation, energy use, and consumer goods.
  • Balancing Cost and Quality: Shares insights on evaluating products and services that need to be both economically viable and environmentally sound.
  • Feedback on Family-Friendly Products: Offers detailed reviews on products and services used by his family, focusing on their safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.
  • Integration of Tech in Daily Life: Highlights how digital tools and platforms facilitate his professional tasks and personal life management.
  • Aspirations for Sustainable Living: Talks about future goals like owning an electric vehicle and increasing the sustainability of his home.

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