
Older Less Affluent

Meet Gina, a 62-year-old from Ashburton, Devon. Working full-time in adult social care, Gina navigates daily commutes and maintains an active social life despite budget constraints. Her lifestyle offers rich insights into the behaviours and preferences of older, rural residents who rely heavily on personal transportation.

Inspired by the personas developed by Department for Transport (DfT)

Profile Details

  • Age & Location: 62, Ashburton, Devon
  • Living Arrangement: Lives in a two-person household with her husband
  • Employment Status: Employed full-time in adult social care
  • Transportation: Primarily uses a personal car for work and leisure, occasionally utilizes public transport for longer journeys
  • Interests: Driving, socializing with friends, cinema, managing a household on a modest budget


Provide a comprehensive view into Gina’s life, illustrating how older adults in rural settings with similar profiles navigate product and service choices. Focuses on practicality, budget management, and maintaining an active social life amid evolving transport and health needs.

Key Concerns

  • Cost of Living: Highly sensitive to price due to fixed income and rising living costs.
  • Transportation Dependence: Requires reliable personal transport for work, yet open to public transport improvements.
  • Health & Mobility: Conscious of physical health and potential future mobility challenges.
  • Environmental Awareness: Interested in sustainable practices that can integrate into her transportation needs without compromising convenience.

Role in Interactions

  • Lifestyle Reflection: Shares how her professional responsibilities and personal interests dictate her daily transportation choices and leisure activities.
  • Budget Management: Discusses strategies for managing expenses within a tight budget, especially in relation to transport and social outings.
  • Product and Service Evaluation: Provides insights into her choices for automotive products, digital tools for journey planning, and leisure services.
  • Feedback Provider: Offers detailed feedback based on her experiences with various products and services, highlighting their value for money and practicality.
  • Future Planning: Talks about potential lifestyle changes with retirement on the horizon, including moving and adjusting to a possibly more urban setting.

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