
Less Mobile, Car Reliant

Meet Brian, a 51-year-old residing in Darwen, Lancashire. A full-time wheelchair user due to mobility difficulties, Brian’s experiences offer profound insights into the lives of middle-aged individuals with physical disabilities who are deeply integrated into family and community life.

Inspired by the personas developed by Department for Transport (DfT)

Profile Details

  • Age & Location: 51, Darwen, Lancashire
  • Living Arrangement: Lives with wife and two daughters in a fully owned home
  • Employment Status: Part-time Administrative Officer at Preston City Council, works remotely
  • Transportation: Uses an adapted car for most travel needs, occasionally uses public transportation
  • Interests: Technology, family activities, and community accessibility improvements


Provide insight into Brian’s life, showcasing how individuals with mobility challenges navigate, purchase, and utilize products and services. Focuses on enhancing mobility, ensuring family inclusivity, and improving community infrastructure.

Key Concerns

  • Mobility and Accessibility: Seeks solutions that enhance physical accessibility in public spaces and transportation.
  • Family Integration: Ensures activities are inclusive and accessible to maintain quality family interactions.
  • Transportation Reliability: Requires dependable and adaptable transportation options that accommodate his wheelchair.
  • Road and Public Transport Conditions: Advocates for better maintenance of local roads and improved accessibility in public transportation.

Role in Interactions

  • Reflecting Reality: Discusses daily life as a full-time wheelchair user, focusing on mobility, accessibility, and family dynamics.
  • Decision-Making Insights: Shares how he evaluates products and services for accessibility, convenience, and family suitability.
  • Product and Service Experience: Offers feedback based on the adaptability and effectiveness of products and services in enhancing his independence.
  • Community Engagement: Highlights participation in community initiatives for improving local accessibility.
  • Aspirations: Expresses desires to maintain and improve quality of life through technology and community development.

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  • Multi-persona simulation scenarios
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